he Ultimate Showdown between Hero and the Yokai!
The time has come for WAR! Chaos Lord Kitsune has summoned the great, forbidden Chaos Beast from the Rift of Time, endangering the entire world of Lore. And to make matters even worse, the Rift is unleashing thousands of Yokai into the lands, threatening to swallow up Yokai Island!

It is up to YOU and your friends to put an end to Chaos Lord Kitsune’s reign before this matter gets out-of-hand! Fight with all your strength through the waves of Yokai that flood the massive mountain made up of bones and skeleton fragments. But wait… this is no normal mountain… this is actually O-dokuro! (This Chaos Beast IS huge!) Who knows what dangers await once you—or IF you—defeat the war of Yokai… but this is the ONLY way to stop Chaos Lord Kitsune once and for all!
If you cannot stop this war in time, then… well… we don’t want to even think about what will become of Yokai Island, or the rest of Lore!
O-dokuro House x 2
We KNOW you can do this, Hero! We have full faith that you can win this war and take down the massive O-dokuro! If you are successful, then you may be one of the few to get the O-dokuro Skull House that drops from this Chaos Beast. This is an incredibly rare drop, so only the most skillful (and most lucky) warriors can obtain this 3-room skull home!

Chaotic O-dokuro Skull House! ON SALE NOW!
Can’t wait to get the O-dokuro Skull House? No worries—we are also offering a super-rare, limited-time onlyChaotic Skull House that is available starting tonight in Battleon! This totally awesome, chaotic tribal skull home features a spacious 3-room floor plan and comes with its very own Yokai Shop Keeper inside—the first of its kind! We call this IOD, short for Item On Demand. (I wish my house offered this feature in real life!) But act quickly… thisrare house will only be available for a short time, and once it’s taken out of Battleon, it will be gone forever! Don’t miss out!
New Items!
Not even war can stop new items from being made. In fact… this week’s release is just teeming with brand-new items! Speak to Hashi Hime just outside the battlegrounds for a collection of all-new wares, including:
- Karasu Wings (color custom to match your hair!)
- Black Steel Tofana
- Brutal Tofana
- Really Large Chopsticks
- Salmon Nigiri Hat
- Tuna Nigiri Hat
- Cali Roll Hat

It is rumored that the Yokai War Boss is also jam-packed with items as well! But these aren’t regular swords and helms… they are carrying 13 never-before-seen house items! You can now decorate your home with a collection of Yokai décor:
- Koi Trophy
- Hanzamune Blade Replica
- Tiger Scroll
- Koi Fountain
- Yokai Sandals
- Yokai Lute
- Dragon Scroll
- Yokai Harp
- Evil Umbrella Lamp
- Small Yokai Shrine
- Large Yokai Shrine
- Stuffed Neko Matta
- Stuffed Samurai Statue
Yokai Daily Rep Quests

New Daily Rep Quest Givers!
In need of more Yokai Reputation? Look no further than the city of Akiba! Some of your favorite NPCs will award you handsomely if you agree to help them out on a few Daily Quests. Help Mitsu Bushi, Kunoichi, and Nekomimi out every day and watch your Yokai Reputation (and Gold and Exp) grow significantly!
This is WAR, hero… so we will be seeing you on the battlefield!
Have a fun WAR! Or else!