Wednesday 29 July 2009

New (random) design notes

July 28st, 2009
Bupers Camel
I got an iPhone. I had to.
You know how hard it is to get reception in a lab that is miles beneath the earth's crust? Yet, somehow, Artix's iPhone always seems to get reception down here. It was a hard choice... I don't like paying for things... But it is one that I don't regret. I've been playing with my Lightsaber App so much that I've run the battery down twice.

I went to show Warlic my new toy and he immediately went for the Lightsaber.

He swung the phone once. *vhum*

Then again *vhum vhum*


*VhumVHUMvhum Vhum VhumVHUMVHUMVHUMVHUM Vhum vhumvhumVHUM*

You haven't lived until you've seen Warlic swing an iphone so much and so fast that ends up panting when he's done. I have now lived.

But here's the best part. I was showing him the Google voice recognition app. You just say what you want to search for and it googles it for you. I played with it quite a bit and it did really well but Warlic held the phone to his head and said "Dissertations on *Bruce Campbell" and what came back was "Dissertations Bupers Camel". I don't know what a Bupers Camel is but I think we're going to have to add it as a monster when we add The Sandsea to AQW.

This week the massive, stone doors to the city of Dawrfhold, located in the Dawrfhold Mountains will open to anyone who has helped Snowbeard get his gold back. I won't spoil too many surprises but, if everything goes according to plan (and it rarely does) you will be meeting Geopetal, going on a mining cart ride and getting your first glimpse at the dark elf who enslaved all of Dwarfhold, Chaos Dragonlord Vath himself.

We will be adding new items to Snowbeard's rep shop as well as adding in 2 new daily quests which will be worth a lot more rep than the others but you will have to be at LEAST Rank 4 with Dwarfhold to take these challenges on.

Pack some torches, some rock climbing gear and get ready to Enter Dwarfhold this Friday.

I'm going to go play with my Lightsaber some more.


*Bruce Campbell played, among other famous and infamous parts, Ash from the Evil Dead movies, including Artix's favorite, Army of Darkness. If you don't know who he is maybe you should google him. Just make sure to type it in instead of saying it.

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