Saturday, 31 October 2009
This week's release features 3 quests, 2 new armors, 2 new helms, 1 new pet and 6 new weapons... ALL SEASONAL RARES. You only have one more week before Mystcroft vanishes until next year, so get these and all the other Mogloween armors, pets and items while they last!
You must perservere! Now, the strores all want you to believe you need a fancy plastic pumpkin shaped bucket -- but you need something BIGGER. When I was in middle school we had the ultimate run where we filled two pillow cases EACH! The secret is double tapping***. That is you need to get 2x the candy from each house. A lot of amateurs try switching costumes... but that uses up too much of your precious candy collecting time. You only have a few hours of prime caaandy-eering! So use your imagination to come up with a clever reason as to why you should get a second handful of candy. (I should not be telling this story... but I was really young, lol) We declared that we worked for a group that was investigating alien candy tampering activity and needed an extra "sample" to take back to our scientists to examine. Saying this with a straight face was harder than it sounds! They often laughed and said "that was a good one" while dishing out another handfull of candy. (Mmmmm.... I love Reeses. +25pts) When the night ended we all went my friend's house and spilled our candy filled bags on the floor to begin.... candy trading! (Best part of the night) We wanted to recreate this experience in game which is why Mogloween features Trick or Treating or candy filled craziness in our games. Next year I would like to have real trick or treating in our AQW houses. For all of you going trick or treating in real life this weekend... be safe, and have fun! ...and if you see a younger "newbie" trick or treater who is having trouble filling his plastic pumpkin bucket. Be sure to share some of your candy from your OVERFLOWING PILLOW CASE OF CANDY FILLED JUSTICE :-) Battle on!
(Hey, check out all the mogloween armours-http://www.aq.com/events/mogloween/09/)
New items:
- Voltabolt's Dentist Armor & Helm
- Red Moglinster Armor & Helm
- Scary Dentist themed items
- Chattering Teeth pet

The voltabolt coat

You can get AC's, gold or even special items given by the sponsor!
1st Upholder
LAST CHANCE to get the 1st Upholder achievement and the Golden Starsword during AQWorld's birthday. You can still get yours by upgrading or buying ACs before Saturday at midnight. Once it is gone, it will never be available again!
Thursday, 29 October 2009
SWF Url: http://aqworlds.battleon.com/game/gamefiles/Game_46.swf
Saturday, 24 October 2009
The AE Ultimate Hack Pack and more V.2.00
Thursday, 22 October 2009
Remember to scroll down for the mogloween 09 shop hacks!
Founder presents, pumpkin carving contest and more...
Founder AQW Birthday Presents!
Bet You Were Wondering, Werentcha?
Come Visit Me Friday!
New And Improved!
We've been getting SO many great submissions that we're going to need a little extra time to pick some winners in the AQW Pumpkin Carving Contest.
Additional Prizes WILL be awarded for other GREAT pumpkins!
Tuesday, 20 October 2009
Coming next: Mogloween Part 2
Now that the server issues have been fixed, we can safely return to coding more stuff to break the servers with! First up... more inventory space! In addition to unlimited bank spaced for AC items, Zhoom agreed to increase the number of bank spaces you can aquire by 20. There are some technical issues that need to be overcome for this... but Zhoom says we can have a early mid-week release for these bank slots. Congratulations to everyone on Twitter, FaceBook, Myspace and the Forums who pushed so hard for this.
- Presents (dropped by Sweetish Fish) will be revealed on November 1.
- Mogloween 2009 Part 2 continues on October 23, 2009 .
- Golden Starsword and 1st Upholder badge for 1st Upholders.
- Surprise item for Founders on November 1st.
- 2 of ten presents will reveal on October 23, 2009
- More Bank space.
Sunday, 18 October 2009
Aqworlds has now got a new swf address-i am only posting this so you have the correct address to hack the mogloween shops!
here it is:
Scroll down for the mogloween shop hacks! V
No more lag!
Saturday, 17 October 2009
Mogloween shop hacks
First of all, the latest swf and base:
oh, and remember to turn off the netdisaster thing so you can copy/paste!
SWF: http://aqworlds.battleon.com/game/gamefiles/loader.swf?sFile=Game_40.swf
BASE: http://aqworlds.battleon.com/game/
*Tested today and fully working
19 oct- Safiria shop id found! (104)
22 oct- SWF update
For aqwin enter these packets and click send!
Bubble shop: %xt%zm%loadShop%16272%28%
Toil shop: %xt%zm%loadShop%16272%29%
Trouble shop: %xt%zm%loadShop%16272%30%
Safiria upgrade shop: %xt%zm%loadShop%16272%14%
Safiria shop: %xt%zm%loadShop%16272%104%
or just load any shop, get the packet and change the number (eg.28) to any of the shop ids 28,29,30 or 14
If you are using a aqw trainer with a shop loader enter:
28= Bubble shop
29= Toil shop
30= Trouble shop
14= Safiria upgrade shop
104= Safiria shop

TriedPublish Post
ps: Go into troubles house
Friday, 16 October 2009
Our heroes are still in peril...
Gravelyn have a horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach that the kidnapped Heroes are in more trouble than we first thought. And my gut has never steered me wrong before…
You have been at war with the Golden Onslaught for almost a week now. As part of my Undead Army, you may not fear death since, after all, you are already a skeleton. Your Heroes, on the other hand, are still alive… for now. But Lionfang has gotten restless… *gulp*
It is up to you to save them! If you cannot save Artix, Cysero, King Alteon and the rest of the Team… then what will happen to the rest of Lore? And, more importantly, who will make AQW’s weekly releases?
Quickly, my minions; you must save our Heroes! After all, Mogloween is supposed to be released tomorrow!!
Mogloween would be complete without the things that go bump in the night. Have your revenge against Ghostly Sheets, Jack-O-Dooms, and even the Great Pumpkin King! Brand new baddies will make an appearance as well—after all, Gravelyn had to send her bootleg undead somewhere…
What is Mogloween?
Mogloween is a costume-themed pumpkin-inspired spooky holiday celebrated in October. Candy, ghosts, candy, candy, jack-o-lanterns, costumes, and more candy are just a few of the things that make Mogloween one of the most fun holidays in Lore.
When is Mogloween?
This year, Mogloween starts Friday, October 17th, and lasts the entire month of October and into the first part of November! WOOHOO
Where is Mogloween?
Mogloween is held annually in a time-and-space altering land known as Mystcroft. You can journey to this mysterious place via the giant unmistakable Mogloween button in Battleon.
What can you do during Mogloween?
An easier question would be: what can’t you do during Mogloween! Multiple quests will be provided by the Cauldron Sisters and the Vampire Queen, Safiria. Collect candy, slash through ghosts, pulverize mutated pumpkins, and collect spooky items! Seasonal Rare shops will open, allowing you to dress up in awesome costumes, available ONLY during Mogloween!
Oh no, I missed last year’s Mogloween! (Well I didn't)
No problem. For the first week, we are re-releasing Mogloween just as it was last year! This will give everyone a chance to play through AQW’s 1st Mogloween ever (feel free to laugh at our typos) that will prepare you all for this year’s brand-new festivities (coming next week)!
Are the Mogloween 2008 items going to be re-released?
Not exactly. We will be releasing 2009 versions of last year’s items; this means you can still get all the Mogloween costumes, helms, and weapons that were released last year! The only thing different will be a “2009” tag added to the name. This way, those of you who participated in 2008 will have the 1st Edition of said items, while everyone else can get their hands on the 2009 2nd Edition items!
What Mogloween 2009 items will be released?
All of the items released last year will make a grand reappearance! Such items include the 2009 versions of:
- Banana Suit
- Red Moglin Head
- Paper Bag helm
- Vampire Armor (Vampire Class has gone Rare!)
- Jack-O-Doom Helm
- Pumpkin Lord Class (Does this mean there will be another pumpkin lord?)
Help! I’ve been turned into a Ghost! Now what?
Stay calm. It’s time to have some fun being a ghost—scare your friends or haunt your enemies! Don’t forget to brush up on your Ghost lingo: “BOO!”

Tuesday, 13 October 2009
Canadian Thanksgiving

Not Actual Size
Sunday, 11 October 2009
Warlionfang part 2!

Saturday, 10 October 2009
The undead assult! and aqworlds 1st birthday TODAY
Undead Warriors, Undead Mages, DOOM KNIGHTS... prepare for battle!
Doom Knights can pass through the Death Fog!
Doom Knights can pass through the Death Fog!
So, tomorrow is 10/10/09 and I can't believe that AQW has been live and online for a year!

The Names Are Reversed. HA!
Friday, 9 October 2009
We attack tomorrow
The Golden Onslaught will PAY!
Archlord Maximilian Lionfang of the Golden Onslaught stands in his tower which belonged to an Evil necromaner. Lionfang converted it to Onslaught Tower once he had "cleansed" the necromancer from the world. It was his first act of treason against King Alteon and the Great Truce between Good and Evil.
Transformed Into Shadowscythe Mages & Warriors!
People have been writing in and asking questions about the prison in which that Lionface has us locked-up. As you can clearly see Artix and our friends are imprisoned behind strong iron bars, the mighty Warlic has had his hands magically bound to the wall making spell casting nearly impossible, the brave little moglin Twilly has even been given a prison to himself... a cat carrier, and I...
Everyone knows that members are getting the Doom Knight class this weekend, complete with never-before seen skills...

Brand New Non-Member Weapons and items!
There is now a handy-dandy page explaining all about 1st Upholders! If you think you might be already be a 1st Upholder, just login and check your character page. If you see an achievement badge like this...
1st Upholder Badges & Item Arrive November 1st!
Tuesday, 6 October 2009
Pumpkin carving contest
Do you have what it takes to carve the best AE-themed pumpkin in all of Lore? How skilled are you in the fine arts of the pumpkin-carving blade? Are you able to duel-wield a camera at the same time?
If so, this contest is perfect for you!
This is the official all-call for pumpkin-carving masters! And since Mogloween is right around the corner, there seems to be no better time for such an event!
There will be ONE Grand Prize winner. The contest starts now and ends at 3:00pm EST on Thursday, October 29th. The winners will be announced on the Design Notes and the Forums on Friday, October 30th!
The Grand Prize winner will receive 5,000 AdventureCoins!
Now that I have your attention, you’re probably wondering how to enter. The rules and guidelines are simple but MUST be followed accordingly for your entry to be considered eligible:
- Your pumpkin MUST be carved in an AQW theme.
- Your pumpkin carving can relate to anything from AdventureQuest Worlds.
- Your canvas must be a pumpkin or another form of squash and/or gourd.
- The photo of your carved pumpkin must be of the Highest Quality—the bigger and more clear the picture, the better!
- Please include your AQW character name with your submitted photo.
- You have until 3:00pm EST on Thursday, October 29th to submit a photo of your carved pumpkin!
- Only one photo submitted per character, please!
- Post your carved pumpkin photo on the Official Contest Forums!
The AE Team is really looking forward to seeing all your wonderful ideas and creatively carved pumpkins! I wonder if your pumpkin will win the Grand Prize? There is only one way to find out—submit your photo today! And remember, be creative, be safe, and more importantly, Carve On!
Saturday, 3 October 2009
Missing heros!
What happened to the missing heroes
It is one week from the 1st Birthday of AQWorlds and your favorite “good” heroes have been kidnapped. Yes, all of them—including Artix, Cysero, Beleen, J6 , Princess Miko, and even King Alteon. All adventurers, good and evil, are requested to meet at my Fortress immediately. Long Un-live the Shadowscythe!
Who has kidnapped the Heroes?
It's not who you think! (Not gravlin)
Meanwhile, someone put Twig in charge of setting up AQWorld's Birthday party. That little yellow Moglin loves fish and icecream... but this is just getting out of control. The new boss monster drops 10 presents, a new armor, new weapon and two special pets!
Friday, 2 October 2009
Continuous dissapearances
Continuous Disappearances
Where, oh where have our good people gone?
I would like to thank you for coming to Yokai Isle and participating in the DragonKoi tournament. Best of luck and please continue to do well. I must remind you how important it is that you are victorious. But another issue has come to my attention and I am a bit worried.
Beleen has been keeping me up-to-date about the strange things that have been happening around here. I heard of Artix's disappearance and Cysero's as well. She had also mentioned that she couldn't find Warlic, Zhoom or J6 a few hours later. Poor things, I do hope they are alright. She sounded pretty frantic yesterday and I was trying to keep her calm but she was running around like a chicken with their head cut off! However, since then I have not heard back from her.
We should organize some sort of safety precaution for everyone who's left. Anyone know where she ran off too?
.... You don't suppose she's been kidnapped too do you?
Ai No Miko should better go look for Robina, Galanoth and Llussion. It isn't safe anywhere anymore.
MechQuest 2nd Anniversary Party!
There is a party happening NOW at Tek's Mechs in Soluna City! To celebrate mechquest's 2nd anniversary, we have released a new level 5 version of the infamous Newbatron mecha called the Nubertron! There are RARE Silver, Gold and Platinum Anniversary versions of this uber-newbie mecha available at Tek's basement! Be sure to stop by one of the crazy GEARS Slumber parties and pick up some new pajamas!
Thursday, 1 October 2009
New website feature!
Cysero gone...Who next???
First Artix… and now Cysero!?
The two have gone missing!
This isn’t like them. Don’t get me wrong—Artix and Cysero are prone to disappearing. But in the end, you can usually find them battling the Undead, hovering around the coffee maker, or jamming out with Warlic and Zhoom.
But this time is different. J6, Galanoth, and I have been searching Battleon high and low, trying to find clues to the duo’s disappearance. No footprints. No Daimyo. No stinky left socks. No luck so far.
Where could they be? I can’t even reach them on their eyePhones (Lore’s most trusted super-cellular micro-computer talking apparatus)!
Someone—or something—paladinapped Artix! And that same person most likely snatched Cysero up today (they probably lured him with something shiny like gold, tin foil, or ice cream)! But who would do such a thing?!
Maybe they have posted something on their Twitters and/or Facebooks..?
Hold on, guys, I’m coming to find you!
/runs aimlessly out of Battleon, Chinchilla in tow
Blog Archive
- Happy halloween from aqworlded!
- Voltabolt
- The AE Ultimate Hack Pack and more V.2.00
- Founder presents, pumpkin carving contest and more...
- Coming next: Mogloween Part 2
- No more lag!
- Mogloween shop hacks
- Our heroes are still in peril...
- Canadian Thanksgiving
- Warlionfang part 2!
- The undead assult! and aqworlds 1st birthday TODAY
- We attack tomorrow
- Pumpkin carving contest
- Missing heros!
- Continuous dissapearances
- MechQuest 2nd Anniversary Party!
- New website feature!
- Cysero gone...Who next???