we've got over 75 items this week!
Where do I start? This week is going to be packed with new stuff. I was kidding around in my last design notes about not being able to count the new items coming out, but this time I'm serious, I actually can't count the number of items! At my last count it was 75, but who knows what more we can come up with for you tonight! It’s hard to really show you how much that is, but think of any other games out there that come out with an update only once a month, or a few swords scattered about for you to collect...what we have for you is so much better! Some of the items will be rereleases of last year’s Frostval items, but for players who experience their first holiday with us, you won't be disappointed. So let’s see if I can make a list! (Beleen checked it twice.)
Released this Friday, we have:
Frostval Items: Armors, swords, axes, staves, helms, pets, maces, capes, daggers, etc. I can count them all, but let’s just say there's more for you to buy than what fits in your backpack.
Frostval Gifts: Buy these in Battleon and keep them safe, they open up on New Years to reveal a new Set!*
Pet of the Month: A new pet of the month is here! He's a little late, but he made it! You can go buy him at Aria's in Battleon.
Frostval Maps: We have 5 new maps for you to explore**.
King Coal: This is a NEW new map, which will stay as a permanent addition to the Frozen Northlands. The king has caught a nasty cold, and it’s up to you to cure him!
New Items: King Coal will have bunch of items for you, including at least 5 new armors, 10 weapons, and a helm or two.

Ummm...I'm sure there was something else, but I'm having a memory lapse, there's so much to keep track of...I'll keep you posted if I remember what I forgot!
Did you know that there is only one week left till the holidays? I hope you got all your presents bought and wrapped! Don't forget, you can now buy AE upgrade cards at a store near you. I ran all over the place this year trying to find some.*** If you do get your hands on one, they make great stocking stuffers. You can slip one in to your younger brothers or sisters, or even put one in your parents stocking. They might not know what the game is, but you're never too old to play! My mom has an account, her name is J6s Mom, you can't miss her. If they aren't interested, you can always buy one for yourself, just forget about it, and you'll be instantly surprised when you pull out the card this year.
So come join us tonight for the release, and if you see me around I promise I'll try to talk this time! I'll be too excited for the holidays to hold it in.
*This is a different set than Tinsel's presents. So if you've been keeping up with her, you'll have two new armor sets to open this year!
**5 new maps to re-explore if you were with us last year.
***Ask Cinazool, I drove her nuts looking through every store
Hey! Don’t forget about Quibble!
Silly J6, I know you are already having snowball fights in Frostvale while wearing your new Color Custom Clawsuit Armor, but how could you forget about Quibble Coinbiter?
That’s right! Quibble is back in Battleon. YAY! He’s got a bunch of brand-new slightly-used items from the future for you to get your mittens on. Remember, you never know when his inventory will run out or if these items will end up going rare… so make sure to get the gear while the gettin's good! A few of the holiday surprises you can find include:

Noble Blade
Dragonburst Gun
Amethyst Rune Blade
Woah! Look at all those items…and there’s even more (but this post is already waaay too long to list the rest)! Hehehe, I just love Frostval, don’t you? Don’t forget to Battle On and Bundle Up! =D
Oh! And EpicDuel is releasing a huge update today as well! What can I say—we all love releasing on Fridays!

December 17th*, 2009
Chilly release tonight!
Frostvale's tonight, but it is 101° on the inside for me...
When I felt a cold coming on earlier this week, I did what you would expect any red blooded Florida-ian to do. I went to the Sushi restaurant. Along with a hot bowl of udon noodles I asked for a glass of water. See, the water was for my little container of "take this before you actually get sick and you will not get sick" medicine that I bought at the grocery store. It said on the side in bold letters that it was made by a school teacher. Having never used one before... I simply poured THE WHOLE THING into my water. (All 5 days worth) Seconds later my glass of water turned into a orange, bubbling science volcano that was moments from overflowing. I grabbed the cup and ran full-speed towards the rest room... but only made it half way (right in front of the sushi chef) before the orange volcano erupted and bubbled ALL OVER the floor... there was a bubbling trail all the way to the men's rest room. The other customers and waitresses were frozen with eyes wide open until the silence was finally broken by Rolith's /facepalm .
I probably caught my cold when the rest of the team put me up to modeling for those new AQWorlds ads. LOL, View at your own risk: Advertisement #1 and Advertisement #2 . If you, um, did not get the inside joke... these ads are a spoof of some other games which are using ads featuring scantily clad women that are all over the internet. They are also a direct result of my response, "What do you mean our ads need more skin? I would not have any character do something that my character would not do!" which was followed by a sinister, "Really....?"
Frostvale begins tonight!
The team has been working very hard on the special Forstvale release for you tonight in AQWorlds. Also, it is looking very positive for a launch of the PTR tonight (Featuring a lot of new stuff that I have not seen yet). If that was not enough, there is a huge release in EpicDuel, and big releases in DragonFable and MechQuest. How are you going to decide what to do first?
* Nope! No time travel faeries, that is the correct date. I wrote this yesterday in a feverish dream featuring a crowd of talking reigndeer who assured me it was a good idea to post the story.
* This has to be one of the best releases ever! I can't wait!
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