Tuesday 3 November 2009

Artix's story

Trick or treating at Artix's house
It was Saturday just before the big Halloween party. Artix was still at his house and running around his house jumping over furniture to test out his Ninja Costume. He was already running late... and there it was... DING DONG! The door bell. Panic set in. My stealthy Ninjaness must have failed. Probably when I turned on one of the lights to re-velcro my Ninja tabi boots. A trick or treater had come to my house! I expected to already be at the party so I did not buy any candy. In desperation I checked to see if there was any of last year's Reese's peanut butter cups left in the cupboard. Empty. Rolith ate them all the day before. So I did a ninja roll up to the door and opened it suddenly . The boy, holding his bag looked up at me and said, "Trick or Treat!!!" With my most serious face I raised an eyebrow and reached into my tunic... suddenly pulling out a shuriken! (you know... a Ninja throwing star) His eyes shot open in fear. I said, "Trick....." I dropped the rubber throwing star into his plastic pumpkin shaped candy bucket. With a surprised smile the size of the grand canyon he let out a, "WOOOOOAH-COOOOL!!!!" as he ran back to show his parents.
Side note: He had intended to order 2 rubber throwing stars... and by accidentally ordered two whole boxes of them! I hope you had a fun time on Saturday. If you have a great story please share on the forums!

Good news for people in UK:
By the end of this week 90% of all WH Smith stores in the UK will have our Game Cards. Please let us know if you see any there!

Friday the 13th
Oh no!!! Check your calendars. We are less than 2 weeks away from another Friday the 13th!
Forum Question: What would you LIKE to happen?

1 comment:

  1. Artix Points! Use Artix Points to get any Artix Game upgrade, including membership, coins, gems, varium and more. Enter the PIN code from your card. free membership
