MEMBERS- Having trouble with Twigs last quest, cater to his every dish?
Well, this can help.
Item: Monster: Location:
Pulled Horc Sandwich- Orc Warrior /orctown
French Flies- Mosquito /farm
Corn Cob Web- Spider /cellar
Ratatouille- Greenrat /cellar
Chocolate covered beetle- Rhino Beetle /uppercity
Enjoy your new pet, Twigwam

What is a Turdraken?
A few years ago on the Super Bowl, John Madden introduced many of us to the scariest food we have ever heard of... the Turducken. Which was were you put a chicken in a duck and then put the duck in a Turkey... and then cook the whole thing. Some players said they have actually tried this! We could not pass up doing a parody of this insane cooking atrocity by adding in a little... um... Dragon.
A few years ago on the Super Bowl, John Madden introduced many of us to the scariest food we have ever heard of... the Turducken. Which was were you put a chicken in a duck and then put the duck in a Turkey... and then cook the whole thing. Some players said they have actually tried this! We could not pass up doing a parody of this insane cooking atrocity by adding in a little... um... Dragon.

Turkey + Drake + Chicken = Turdraken
New achievement!
The kung food achievement come available to get when you complete all of oishii's quests. Keep clicking the huge food fling button in /harvest until you get a score of 200. You now have the kung food achievement!
New In this release
- The Harvest Festival Zone & Quests
- Food Fight
- New Achievement - Kung Food
- Cornycopia House
- 30 Items including: Potato Sack Armor, Native Warrior, Turdraken Hunter Armor, and TURKEY ARMOR '09
- Super hard scavenger hunt for Members with the pet reward... Twig Wam. (GUIDE ABOVE)
- Do not forget that Beelen is showing up in Battleon with a special... and VERY literal 1/2 off shop in Battleon on Friday. Half a sword works just as well as a full one right
Beleen is opening a special shop on Friday!
It is the busiest shopping day of the year. Black Friday (so called because it is the best sales day of the retail year, which keeps a lot of stores "in the black") is happens in the U.S every year right after Thanksgiving. You will see crazy Half-Off signs everywhere.... and if you log into AQWorlds, you will ALSO see one in Battleon. Although, Cysero may have misunderstood what they meant by 1/2 off. But hey, half a sword works just as well as a full one right? Some of the items available Friday include...
It is the busiest shopping day of the year. Black Friday (so called because it is the best sales day of the retail year, which keeps a lot of stores "in the black") is happens in the U.S every year right after Thanksgiving. You will see crazy Half-Off signs everywhere.... and if you log into AQWorlds, you will ALSO see one in Battleon. Although, Cysero may have misunderstood what they meant by 1/2 off. But hey, half a sword works just as well as a full one right? Some of the items available Friday include...
- Half-Off Sword
- Half-Off Axe
- Blade of Half Awe-f
- Black Cape
- Black Mage Robes
- Black Warrior Armor
- Black Healer Robes
- Black Rogue Armor
- Pink Chinchilla Pet
- Pink Mage Robes
- Pink Warrior Armor
- Pink.... you get the idea. I cannot believe she is making us do this. Help! Just looking at it burns my eyes!
Harvest 2009 shop ids:
I've found this years harvest ids so you don't need to do quests to unlock them!
33- Oisii's shop
116- Twigs Corno-copia house shop
115- Twigs Food Fighter Achievement shop (doesn't need the achievement to access)
Enjoy ;)
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