Ever wanted to help us destroy bugs? Well here’s your chance!
Horrible, disgusting beasts await you in the Twilight Realm. And as if the Dreadspiders weren’t awful enough, new threats have swarmed in to witness your demise. But with every Bad there is a Good—these arachno-foes are LOADED with new items:
- Toxic Souleater Helm
- Burning Souleater Helm
- Gressil's Abdomen
- Gressil’s Spider Legs
- Gressil's Impurity Blade
- Black Spider Pet
New Items In The Player Suggestion Shop!
There are amazing AQW artists out there! It is wonderful to have such great friends like you who help us come up with new ideas EVERY DAY! To show you our thanks, we have added 12 NEW player-submitted items to the Player Suggestion Shop! Remember, if your item is selected, you get it for free no matter how it is priced in-game! Head over to Yulgar’s Inn to get your hands on awesome weapons, helms, and armors crafted by
Skyline2793, Lightman, KittiKataklysm, and Drakonus!
There are amazing AQW artists out there! It is wonderful to have such great friends like you who help us come up with new ideas EVERY DAY! To show you our thanks, we have added 12 NEW player-submitted items to the Player Suggestion Shop! Remember, if your item is selected, you get it for free no matter how it is priced in-game! Head over to Yulgar’s Inn to get your hands on awesome weapons, helms, and armors crafted by

- Drakonus Helm
- Drakonus
- Inferno Armor
- Treant Morph
- Supreme Dragon Hammer
- Supreme Dragon Scythe
- Kage Sword
- Frostus Rectar
- Enchanted Spirit Blade
- Dragon's Defender
- Destiny Dragon Blade
- Cursed Dragon Blade
Quibble Returns!
Your favorite traveling sales moglin is back in town with his never-before-seen slightly-used items from the future! Oh my… he has really outdone himself today! Just check out his inventory!

And remember, you never know when his inventory will run out or if these items will end up going Rare*… so make sure to get the gear while the gettin's good!
Another new area!
Next to Battleon is another new area called nexus. The portal at the top leads to twilight

New SWF:
The new aqw swf is
- Gressil Morph
- Souleater Warrior
- Souleater Hood
- Abaddon's Orb Weaver Axe
- Staff of Soul Weaving
- DreadSpider Bow
- Mini Toxic Souleater Pet
- Mini Burning Souleater Pet
- Abaddon's Terror Polearm

Another new area!
Next to Battleon is another new area called nexus. The portal at the top leads to twilight

New SWF:
The new aqw swf is
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